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The LED waterproof switching power supply is introduced

Release date:2015-11-04 15:52:03

The LED waterproof switching power supply is introduced

* * * LED switching power supply high frequency is its development direction, high frequency, the miniaturization of switch power supply, switching power supply and to enter into a wider range of applications, especially in the high and new technology in the field of application, promoted the high-tech products of miniaturization, light change. In addition the development and application of switch power supply in the aspect of saving energy, saving resources and protecting the environment has important significance.

LED switching power supply of the application of electronic devices are mainly: the LED diode, MOSFET and IGBT. SCR in the switch power input rectifier circuit and soft start circuit in the application of a small amount of GTR drive difficulties, low switching frequency, gradually replaced by MOSFET and IGBT.

LED switching power supply, three conditions

1, switch, power electronics device working in switch state rather than a linear state

2, high frequency, power electronics device work in high frequency rather than close to the low-frequency power frequency

3, dc: switching power supply output is dc instead of communication

LED switching power supply is a circuit to control the way of the switch tube, high-speed and globe. Is the direct current into high frequency alternating current (ac) for converter transformer, make its produce one or more sets of voltage needed! Into the reason of high frequency alternating current (ac) is a high frequency ac in the transformer circuit efficiency is higher than the mains frequency 50 hz or 60 hz. So very small switch power transformer can be done, at the time of switching power supply work is not very hot, the product price is low power frequency dc regulated power supply. If you don't turn 50 hz or 60 hz into high frequency electric, switching power supply doesn't make any sense. Switching power supply can be divided into isolation and not isolate the two, is to isolate type must be a switch power converter, without isolation may not have switching power supply converter. Compared with traditional dc power supply switch power supply has the advantages of small volume, light weight and high and efficiency.


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